Author: Jorge Olmos

Released flexVDI config 3.1.5

flexvdi-config now starts chronyd as the NTP daemon, instead of ntpd in systems that have none of them enabled.

Until now flexvdi-config enabled ntpd if it was not enabled in the flexVDI Host, as part of the setup. Since 3.1.5, it enables chronyd instead, but only if neither chronyd nor ntpd are enabled and running in the system.

flexVDI Hosts that are currently running ntpd, will not be modified by flexvdi-config.


The new release can be updated executing in the flexVDI hosts:

# yum -y update flexvdi-config

Released flexVDI config 3.1.4

  • flexVDI Manager hardware clock and timezone will be the same used by the host. This release copies the timezone used by the flexVDI Host to the flexVDI Manager when installing or updating it. Needs flexVDI-agent >= 3.1.7 to keep the clock right after restarting flexVDI manager.
  • Show more details when flexvdi portal can’t be reached
  • Fix message to user about how to unregister a Host when reinstalling flexVDI Manager

The timezone in flexVDI Manager will be set with the right value the next time flexVDI manager is updated using flexvdi-config >= 3.1.4.

The new release can be updated executing in the flexVDI hosts:

# yum -y update flexvdi-config

Released flexVDI agent 3.1.8

– Improvement: sysprep/unattend template file for Desktop Policies is now searched in the image_storage/volume where the volatile guests are created, before searching the old /var/lib/flexvdi/local location. This way, system administrators only need to maintain one copy of the file.
– Bugfix: flexVDI agent does not restart itself when a mounted CIFS volume stops responding; improved CIFS error handling.
– Bugfix: volatile desktops created from a desktop policy with a sysprep/unattend file failed to be migrated.
– Small improvement: remove spaces after the “|” character in syspre file name if present.
– Add information in log messages, about sysprep files, and disk images.
– Reclassify some log messages.

The new release can be updated executing in the flexVDI hosts:

# yum -y update flexvdi-agent

Released flexVDI gateway 3.1.1

Changes since 3.1.0

  • Fixed bug: A race condition caused flexvdi-gateway to crash sometimes, closing all user sessions it was serving, and restarting immediatelly.

To update your servers, log in to your flexVDI Hosts with ssh and run:

yum update flexvdi-gateway

You can do this at any time, as it will not cause any service disruption.

Afterwards, you will have to start the new version of the gateway with:

systemctl restart flexvdi-gateway

This second step will not stop any virtual machine, but it will close established connections that are going through the restarted gateway. All end users that are connected through the restarted flexvdi-gateway will see their connection closed and will have to login with flexvdi-client again.



Released flexVDI Manager 3.1.6

Changes since 3.1.5

  • Fixed bug: all timestamps in flexVDI manager log lines are now shown in local time. This is effective for new installations. If you want to fix the configuration of a flexVDI manager installed with a release of flexVDI Manager before 3.1.6 see “problems with flexVDI Manager”
  • Fixed bug: volatile desktops lost their disk contents when they where modified in flexVDI Dashboard and then restarted or migrated.
  • Many CentOS packages, including kernel and mongodb have been updated in the flexVDI Manager appliance.
  • Privacy improvement: error messages returned when authenticating against an LDAP server are now not written to the log file file by default. Some LDAP servers include sensitive information in these messages.

flexVDI manager is available for update running flexvdi-config command on the host where the current manager is running. Instructions are available here. Also it can be manually downloaded from, for servers not connected to the internet.

USERTrust RSA CA certificate in old CentOS /Red Hat expired

This has become a problem for some people that has flexVDI installed on not updated CentOS / Red Hat < 7.8  machines. USERTrust RSA is the CA that signed the certificates in our web servers, including, which is used by flexvdi-config to download licenses, and updated releases of flexVDI manager.

When sysadmins try to connect to flexVDI portal using flexvdi-config, they will see an message like:


To solve this problem, just run in your flexVDI hosts:

# yum update -y ca-certificates


And flexvdi-config will work right again.

Released flexVDI agent 3.1.7

Fixes a bug in the creation of flexvdi manager that causes flexvdi manager to get a wrong clock time from the hardware clock when it is started, if the flexVDI Host is not configured in UTC.

The fix will take effect after updating the package, the next time flexVDI manager is started.

The new release can be updated executing in the flexVDI hosts:

# yum -y update flexvdi-agent

Released flexVDI manager 3.1.5

Changes since 3.1.4

  • Create a communication channel between libvirt (running in flexVDI hosts), and qemu guest agent (running in guests).
    • enables safe creation of flexVDI guests snapshots using libvirt.
    • Improves the reliability of shutdown in guests running qemu guest agent.
  • Fixed bug: release flexVDI license when guest cannot be started because of a problem, like a Pool that has run out of resources.


flexVDI manager is available for update running flexvdi-config command on the host where the current manager is running. Instructions are available here. Also it can be manually downloaded from, for servers not connected to the internet.