Month: April 2021

Released flexVDI Manager 3.1.8

  • Added more variety of emulated guest CPUs, supporting some new instruction sets to improve performance of software compiled to make use of it.
  • Updated kernel and 30 more packages of the flexVDI Manager appliance.

flexVDI manager is available for update running flexvdi-config command on the host where the current manager is running. Instructions are available here. Also it can be manually downloaded from, for servers not connected to the internet.

Released flexVDI Manager 3.1.7

Changes since 3.1.6

  • Fixed bug: under some circunstances, rebalancing resources, failed to re-reserve resources that in fact where available, due to a race condition. This could cause flexVDI Manager to abruptly stop guests without need.
  • Fixed bug: when a volume is not accessible by all the hosts that should have access (due to hardware problems or manteinance), make requests only to the hosts that con access the volume.
  • Give a proper error message when ldap server is down when authenticating a user.
  • Improve some log messages.

flexVDI manager is available for update running flexvdi-config command on the host where the current manager is running. Instructions are available here. Also it can be manually downloaded from, for servers not connected to the internet.