Month: February 2015

Enabling HYP mode on the Raspberry Pi 2

The newest iteration of the wonderful machine designed by Raspberry Pi Foundation, the Raspberry Pi 2, sports a Broadcom BCM2836 SoC, with four Cortex-A7 cores. The Cortex-A7, being the little brother Cortex-A15, features the ARM Virtualization Extensions, so both Xen and KVM based virtualization should work on it.

At this point, you probably are wondering why would someone want to use virtualization on a RPi2. In addition to the usual “because you can!” answer, there’s a pretty good reason for it. Imagine you want to use the RPi2 as a media center and, at the same time, you want to run some personal services (like ownCloud or Pydio) on it. Instead of polluting the media center image, you can run an isolate, secure, virtual machine for such purpose. And, using my VEXPRESS_KVM port, you can even provide those services running NetBSD! 馃槈

The first step towards being able to use virtualization on the Raspberry Pi 2, is finding a way to boot the kernel in HYP mode. Let’s see how can we do that.

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Usando SpicePorts para comunicar un guest KVM con el cliente SPICE

Desde la versi贸n 0.12.2 del servidor y la 0.15 del cliente, SPICE soporta un tipo de canal llamado SpicePort. Un puerto permite comunicaci贸n de datos arbitrarios entre un proceso en el guest y el cliente de SPICE. De esta manera, se pueden dar servicios a帽adidos sobre la conexi贸n con el escritorio remoto. Por ejemplo, en flexVM estamos trabajando en servicios de transferencia de ficheros, redirecci贸n de puertos TCP/UDP y compartici贸n de impresoras. En esta entrada mostraremos c贸mo se crea y utiliza un SpicePort.

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