Released flexVDI agent 3.1.8

– Improvement: sysprep/unattend template file for Desktop Policies is now searched in the image_storage/volume where the volatile guests are created, before searching the old /var/lib/flexvdi/local location. This way, system administrators only need to maintain one copy of the file.
– Bugfix: flexVDI agent does not restart itself when a mounted CIFS volume stops responding; improved CIFS error handling.
– Bugfix: volatile desktops created from a desktop policy with a sysprep/unattend file failed to be migrated.
– Small improvement: remove spaces after the “|” character in syspre file name if present.
– Add information in log messages, about sysprep files, and disk images.
– Reclassify some log messages.

The new release can be updated executing in the flexVDI hosts:

# yum -y update flexvdi-agent