NEW!! flexVDI v3.1

And finally, after almost 2 years of hard work, flexVDI v3.1 comes to life. It is a minor release update, but comes with a ton of new features and improvements under the hood:

  • New flexVDI HTML5 Dashboard. The old Java Dashboard has been replaced with a faster, leaner, curvier and fancier HTML5 Dashboard. Its new interface provides an agile experience and boosts the productivity of your system administrators. You just need to point a modern web browser (Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome are recommended) to the Manager’s address, there is no need to download or install an additional application.
  • New flexVDI Desktop Client. A new client for Linux, Windows and MacOS X desktops with unified interface and all the features of the latest Spice client library: folder sharing, video acceleration with GStreamer, selectable compression algorithms… And soon, multi-screen support! The live USB client has also been promoted to flexVDI ThinClient OS, a Linux distribution to easily boot hundreds of thin clients and old computers and connect to your flexVDI platform.
  • No downtime upgrade. The upgrade process will only stop the flexVDI Manager and Agent for some seconds, while they are updated. All your guests will keep running and your users will not even notice the change.
  • Up-to-date components: CentOS 7.6, Qemu 2.12, Libvirt 4.5, Spice server 0.14, Spice GTK 0.36, Virtio drivers for Windows 0.1.171…
  • Improved scalability and performance. flexVDI 3.1 provides a professional-grade VDI experience, even for the most demanding workloads. We have added support for the new Virtio GPU on Linux desktops; PCI passthrough for maximum performance on dedicated NVMe devices; easier user configuration with LDAP groups; arbitrary Desktop Policy parameters for fully configurable desktops; and more features to come!

Check your Customer Portal‘s account for flexVDI Installer 3.1 downloads, and flexVDI Downloads page for anything else. Also, do not forget the flexVDI 3.1 documentation to read about how to install a new flexVDI 3.1. platform, or upgrade your old one.

Enjoy flexVDI!