Author: Javier Celaya

Released flexVDI Manager v3.0.3

Changelog from v3.0.2

  • Added desktop policy discovery by Active Directory group membership.
  • Added desktop policy parameters. Parameters are unique values assigned to each guest of a desktop policy, based on a pattern, and can be used to further configurate the guest. Right now they can be used to generate the Sysprep answer file.
  • Fixed showing the Guest Tools ISO when changing the media.

Released flexVDI Config v3.0.4 and flexVDI Agent v3.0.3

Changelog of flexVDI Config from v3.0.3

This is a bugfix release, that fixes the handling of several error situations.

Changelog of flexVDI Agent from v3.0.2

  • Use tunneled migration to avoid requiring an additional TCP port for VM live migrations. In this way, all the traffic is tunneled through SSH.
  • Accept the output of a command as the source of the Sysprep file. To use this feature, put the command in /var/lib/flexvdi/local and use it as the Sysprep file, with a pipe character (‘|’) at the end.
  • Pass the guest parameters to the Sysprep file/command. Guest parameters is a new feature introduced in flexVDI Manager 3.0.3.

Released flexVDI Manager 3.0.2

Changelog from v3.0.1

  • Fix authentication with username and passwords with strange characters, like ‘\’.
  • Fix connection between flexVDI Manager and flexVDI Agent when DNS resolution is broken.
  • Fix “Max. desktops” property in a Desktop Policy to actually limit the number of VDI sessions.
  • Fix infinite loop when a user connects to an existing session which desktop has just been destroyed.

flexVDI protects you against Meltdown and Spectre

At flexVDI we take your security very seriously. As you will probably know, Google’s Project Zero recently announced the discovery of critical flaws in most modern processors, named Meltdown and Spectre. Most OS vendors, including Red Hat, have already issued software updates that fix these vulnerabilities. In order to apply these updates to your flexVDI platform, follow these steps:

  1. Update the QEMU packages to version 2.9.0-16.el7.13: qemu-img-flexvdi, qemu-kvm-flexvdi, qemu-kvm-common-flexvdi and qemu-kvm-tools-flexvdi.
  2. Update the kernel, microcode_ctl, linux-firmware and libvirt packages.

Unfortunately, these updates may come with important performance penalties, so apply with care.

flexVDI Server Software Updates

These are the latest updates on flexVDI Server Software:

flexVDI Manager 3.0.1

Changes since v3.0.0:

  • Fixed USB redirection of USB 3.0 devices. This requires qemu v2.9 and flexvdi-guest-tools 3.0.1.
  • Always assign a new desktop when the first operation of a Desktop Policy is “destroy 0 minutes after disconnection”. In this case, even if a desktop is not immediately destroyed, the next connection of the same or other user will always result in the creation of a new desktop. This is most useful in public kiosk installations.
  • Improve the log file format.

Hypervisor packages

flexvdi-agent 3.0.2

Changes since v3.0.1:

  • Fix migration with newer versions of libvirt, where the qemu+libssh2 transport is not enabled anymore.
  • Improve the log file format.

Changes since v3.0.0:

  • Fixed generating multipath partition device name.

flexvdi-config 3.0.2

Changes since v3.0.0

  • Depend on ntpd service instead of ntpdate, which could fail if no connection to Internet is available.

flexvdi-guest-tools 3.0.1

Changes since v3.0.0

  • Fixed reading credentials with foreign UTF-8 characters.
  • Updated virtio drivers for Windows.
  • USB3 hub Windows driver included.
  • Included missing udev rules for Linux.

ocfs2-tools and o2fs2-tools-o2cb 1.8.5-2

Changes since v1.8.5-1:

  • Relaxed the dependency with the network service, so that the cluster is not restarted when the network is restarted, causing the sudden death of all VMs with a disk image in an OCFS2 volume.

spice-server-flexvdi 0.12.8-3

Changes since v0.12.8-2:

  • Fix resizing guest resolution in Linux guests.

qemu-kvm-flexvdi 2.9.0-16

qemu updated from 2.6.0 to 2.9.0, improves compatibility with redirected USB 3.0 devices.

flexVDI 3.0 is here!

The wait is over: The new flexVDI 3.0 is here! Try it now on your favorite platform.

Now you can deploy flexVDI on industry-leading platforms:

  • RHEL 7 + flexVDI 3.0: flexVDI working over Red Hat is a guarantee of stability. Red Hat products and services are secure, open and trusted by more than 90% of the enterprises in the Fortune Global 500 list.
  • CentOS 7 + flexVDI 3.0: flexVDI and CentOS together form a consistent, manageable platform that suites a wide variety of deployments.

Other new features include:

  • Updated versions of KVM and libvirt provide improved performance and new functionalities.
  • Improved management tools: flexVDI Config and flexVDI Dashboard
  • Supported redirection of USB 3 devices.
  • Compatible with IGEL thin clients.

Oferta de trabajo en flexVDI

En flexVDI llevamos más de 5 años desarrollando una plataforma de virtualización de escritorios competitiva, flexible y basada en componentes de código abierto. Utilizamos metodologías ágiles y tecnologías punteras en un entorno de trabajo agradable. Actualmente estamos buscando un perfil de Ingeniero/a de Software, sin necesidad de experiencia laboral. Buscamos gente motivada, con ganas de aprender e interés en el campo de la programación de sistemas, redes y virtualización.

El trabajo se realizaría en nuestras oficinas de la zona Expo de Zaragoza. Sus principales tareas consistirían en el desarrollo de los componentes de la plataforma, con posibilidad de trabajar en backend (virtualización con Qemu/KVM/libvirt, hipervisor, orquestador…), middleware (protocolo de presentación SPICE, interacción entre cliente y guest virtual, etc…) y frontend (clientes para plataformas Linux, Windows, OSX, Android, iOS, HTML5). Además, se ofrece:

– Trabajo a tiempo completo, con horario semi-flexible.
– Formar parte de un equipo de personas con experiencia, alto nivel y buen ambiente.
– Salario a negociar tras la entrevista.
– Instalaciones modernas y bien equipadas: taquillas, office para comer, buena iluminación natural, espacio abierto, cafetera…


– Conocimientos de programación en C.
– Conocimientos de plataformas de virtualización.
– Nivel alto de escritura y lectura de inglés.

Se valorará:

– Título de graduado/ingeniero
– Experiencia en otros lenguajes de programación, especialmente los más utilizados en programación de sistemas: C++, Go, Python, Java, Scala, JavaScript, Bash…
– Conocimiento y/o experiencia con metodologías ágiles.
– Experiencia con Qemu/KVM y libvirt.
– Conocimiento de las distribuciones basadas en Red Hat.
– Conocimiento del protocolo de presentación SPICE.
– Participación en proyectos de software libre.
– Disponibilidad para viajar.

Los interesados pueden enviar su CV a y les convocaremos a una entrevista personal.

ChangeLog of flexVDI Client 2.2.11 for Linux and Live USB

The 2.2.11 release of the flexVDI client for Linux and Live USB includes several stability and performance improvements.

In particular, the WebSocket library NoPoll has been updated to version 0.4.3, reducing its network overhead considerably. In some scenarios, this may result in firewalls or proxy servers dropping connections due to inactivity. For instance, Nginx drops WebSocket connections after 60 seconds of inactivity. This problem can be easily solved setting the KeepAlive property of flexVDI Gateway. It will send a ping message every certain number of seconds, avoiding this kind of disconnections.