Released flexVDI Manager 3.1.12

This is mainly an security hardening release. The latest release of the flexVDI Manager appliance includes many updated components, including:

  • All available software packages of its base distro, including Linux kernel, openssl, java, and more.
  • Many updated java libraries. Specifically it includes logback 1.2.8, released yesterday. It removes all JDBC code and disables all JNDI code from the base logging framework, before any important vulnerability is found in it.
  • We have set java logging configuration read-only even for the file owner as recommended by security experts.

flexVDI does not use log4j2 logging library but logback, so it is NOT vulnerable to CVE-2021-44228 (aka log4shell). But a new attack family has been discovered, so logback has been hardened removing the functionality that may be vulnerable before some critical vulnerability is found, and we have included this hardened library release. This makes very unlikely that the latest logback and flexVDI are ever affected by something like log4shell.

Also this release fixes a bug: some stopped volatile guests generated by a desktop policy where not being automatically deleted, even with a “stop & delete” action in place. This happened when the guest was already stopped when the “stop” action was requested, so flexVDI Manager decided that the action had failed, and retried forever before deleting it.

flexVDI Manager is available for update running flexvdi-config command on the host where the current manager is running. Instructions are available here. Also it can be manually downloaded from, for servers not connected to the internet.

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